September 5, 2019Total Depravity, Sinfulness and Guilt of All Men
October 1, 2019
Sanctification makes us pure – holy of heart – by removing the inherited inward tendency to sin. We are saved because Jesus Christ died on Calvary. Our
sanctification, as well as our salvation, is available because Jesus, “that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate”
(Hebrews 13:12). Holiness of heart comes about because God, through Christ’s sacrifice on a hill outside of Jerusalem, made a way that we can be
freed from the depravity of human nature. We must not disregard or minimize this doctrine of sanctification, because it is essential in our Christian
lives. We do not claim that sanctification makes us humanly perfect. We do not say everything we do is exactly right from that point on. No, we are still
human and thus subject to human error. We forget. We make mistakes in judgment. However, God gives us a holy purpose and purity of motive.
One meaning of the root word translated sanctify is “to set apart or dedicate to a holy cause.” When our church building was dedicated, we had a
dedication service, praying that God might bless the building. That’s what might be called sanctifying the place, dedicating it for a holy purpose. In the same
manner, we, as individuals must dedicate ourselves for a holy purpose. We humbly ask God to accept the offering of our lives and our service. We separate
ourselves from the world, determining to shun every appearance of evil. This is the role we play in preparing for our heart’s purification. Then, when we have made all the necessary consecrations, God cleanses our inner man. This
experience of sanctification is an instantaneous work of grace whereby the inbred nature of sin is purged from our lives. The result is that our inner tendencies
toward sin are no longer present The glory of God fills our souk when we are sanctified, causing us to know that the work is done. Paul referred to this part
of sanctification when he wrote to the Thessalonians, “The very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be
preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (lThessalonlans5:23). The doctrine of holiness is vital. We want to be
sure that we are saved and sure that we are sanctified.