September 5, 2019What is Sanctification?
September 5, 2019God’s plan of redemption was not a provision which was made after man’s fall. It was conceived through the foreknowledge of God ever before man was created; for the Lamb was “slain from the foundation of the world” [Revelation:13:8]). And no sooner was the curse of sin pronounced upon the earth as a result of Adam’s fall, than immediately God, in His infinite love for a lost humanity, disclosed, in part at least, His great plan of redemption. He foretold of the “Seed” that should bruise the serpent’s head, and that “Seed” is Christ, the promised Messiah. Thus at this early stage of man’s history do we find [John:3:16] fulfilled, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
Abel, in conformity with God’s plan of redemption, brought of the firstlings of his flock. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering, because of the shed blood, without which there is no remission of sins. And throughout the antediluvian and patriarchal periods there were those who sought and found God, because like Abel, they brought the offerings of their flocks. Among these were Noah, Abraham, Job, the prophets of old, and many others, who found grace in the sight of God because they sought redemption through the blood.
The deliverance of the Children of Israel out of the cruel bondage of Egypt is an outstanding type of God’s redemption of man. The blood of the Lamb on the night of the Passover points to Christ. All the lambs and the animals whose blood was shed in the tabernacle service also typified Jesus.
It is written, “He saw that there was no man and wondered that there was no intercessor” [Isaiah:59:16]). So God Himself sent an Intercessor. Jesus Christ was the only One in Heaven above Who could pay the price of man’s redemption, and He left His throne and came down to this world of woe to pay the price with His own precious Blood on Calvary. The Cross of Calvary points two ways – it points back to the time of the Law; it points ahead to the days of grace. The redemption which Christ won spans the globe. It holds out a hope for people of every kindred, nation, and tongue. It is the world’s only hope today.
Our redemption includes more than having our sins forgiven. Jesus died in our stead, to wash away our sins; but He also shed His Blood for our sanctification [Hebrews:13:12]). The healing of our bodies was also provided when Jesus died: “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” [1 Peter:2:24]).
There is even more to the plan of redemption than the salvation of our souls and the healing of our bodies. When Jesus comes again He will also redeem our bodies [Romans:8:23]). Before man sinned in the Garden he did not become ill, but when he fell he brought disease upon all people. Jesus does heal us now through His Blood when we become sick, and He will continue to do so until the Rapture of the saints. The overcoming Christians who have gone into the grave before us will rise again in glorified bodies when Jesus comes, and “we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” [1 Thessalonians:4:17]).
Question 1:
a) Was God’s plan of redemption made before or after man’s fall? [Revelation:13:8]; [1 Corinthians:2:7]; [2 Timothy:1:9]; [Hebrews:4:3].
- b) When was the plan of Redemption first revealed to man? [Genesis:3:6-8], [Genesis:3:15].
- c) What attributes of God does this revelation show?
– Love – [John:3:16]; [Romans:5:8]; [1 John:4:10].
– Mercy – [Numbers:14:18]; [Psalms:103:8], [Psalms:103:10-11], [Psalms:103:17].
– Willingness to forgive – [Psalms:86:5]; [Isaiah:55:7]; [1 John:1:9]; [2 Chronicles:7:14].
Question 2: How did God reveal the plan of redemption in a progressive way?
– Adam: Promise of the Messiah. [Genesis:3:15].
– Abel: Approached God through the shedding of Blood. [Genesis:4:4]; [Leviticus:17:11]; [Hebrews:11:4]; [Hebrews:9:22].
– Noah: The Ark typifies Christ the way to eternal life. [Genesis:6:13-16]; [Hebrews:11:7]; [John:14:6]; [Acts:4:12].
– Abraham: Abraham offered his son. [Genesis:12:1-3]; [Genesis:22:1-2], [Genesis:22:9-12]; [Hebrews:11:8-10], [Hebrews:11:17]; [John:3:16].
– Children of Israel: Deliverance through the blood of the lamb, and the tabernacle service. [Exodus:12:5], [Exodus:12:7], [Exodus:12:13]; [Exodus:12:31]:18; [Hebrews:9:1-12].
– Rahab – [Joshua:2:18-21]; [Matthew:1:1], [Matthew:1:5].
– The Prophets: [Isaiah:7:14]; [Jeremiah:31:33]; [Ezekiel:11:19].
– John the Baptist (Pointed to Jesus as the Redeemer): [Malachi:4:5]; [Luke:1:19]; [John:1:29].
Question 3: In whom was the plan of redemption fulfilled? JESUS. [Galatians:4:4-5]; [Hebrews:9:11-12]; [John:1:29]; [Mark:14:24]; [Romans:5:9]; [Colossians:1:14].
Question 4: What role should we play to benefit from God’s plan of Redemption?
– Acknowledge – [Psalms:51:2-3]; [Luke:18:13].
– Confess – [Psalms:32:3-5]; [Proverbs:28:13]; [1 John:1:9].
– Repent – [Jonah:3:5], [Jonah:3:8-10]; [Ezekiel:18:21-22]; [Luke:13:3]; [Acts:3:19].
– Forsake – [2 Chronicles:7:14]; [Isaiah:55:7].
– Believe – [John:3:16]; [Romans:10:10]; [Hebrews:11:6].
– Receive – [Romans:8:16].
Question 5:
a) When is the final redemption of man? [1 Corinthians:15:51-58]; [1 Thessalonians:4:15-18]; [Romans:8:22-23].
b) Who are those that will partake in the final redemption? Those who have been saved from their lives of sin and who remain faithful until the Rapture takes place. [Revelation:7:9-14]; [Revelation:19:7-8]; [Matthew:24:13]; [2 Timothy:4:7-8].
Have you benefited from God`s plan of redemption?