Financial Management @ the ongoing 10 DAYS financial empowerment program
November 25, 2021The Generation of the power of God
March 18, 2022STOP INSULTING FATHERS (Preachers) and start respecting your Elders – if you know they are doing the wrong thing pray for THEM

See why PEOPLE are dieing Young today because no respect for their Elders @ PRIDE
To some extent; GOD has favorite, believe it or leave it; all men have not equal right/privilege before GOD; GRACE is higher than GRACE, ANNOINTING is higher than ANNOINTING; let go of your pride and ego and humble yourself to learn and be blessed
Because you are Born AGAIN and filled with the Holy GHOST and because you can read and PREACH the Bible, you now putting yourself in the same level with OTHERS? You are deceiving yourself and might soon get expire;
✔️How many price have you paid?
✔️What challenges/Pains have you gone through?
✔️What do you know about LIFE/MINISTRY?
Young PEOPLE; Christians/Ministers that knew nothing about leadership or Ministry, you have not achieved anything in LIFE yet instead of you appreciating those who truly made it to the top, you keep throwing stones at them; will you ever make it in LIFE if you fail to REPENT from such an act? those outside football field always knows best and always blamed players but they get muted whenever they themselves entered the same field to play;
TELL me one man or woman of God in the Bible that was without error; Only JESUS CHRIST is Impeccable; He is the only man that has ever lived a sinless life on the Earth
YOU think is easy to genuinely answer the call of God? you think is easy to be a man or a WOMAN of God? If you think is easy you go and do better than OTHERS?
GOD knew that they (Preachers) were bad and had bad characters YET He still chooses to use them; They might not even be right with GOD yet He still uses them, if you want to be blessed through any man or woman of God; avoid their weakness, negative part and focus on the GRACE of God upon them; even if you don’t want to be blessed through them just avoid and ignored them then keep muted; Elisha wouldn’t have been able to carried the double portion assuming He focused on the bad character of Elijah that was so full with anger
GOD shall reward/judge everyone on the last day, there are ways you can condenmed/criticize wrong activities/practices of People and Churches without mentioning anybody name/church @ Got this wisdom from Pastor W.F Kumuyi too
The point am making is this; am not siding whoever doing wrong things but you will only worsen the case if all you are doing is to keep throwing stones;
✔️ God himself will punish you for doing such; for touching His annointed; keep your mouth mute and pray more for them to change and to make HEAVEN at last
I hope to see like in the days of Elijah/Peter again; when you lied or speak evil of any Man or WOMEN of God Thunder, Fire and instant Judgement will correct you and close your mouth
✔️ You life and destiny might be cut short; remember what happened to those that spoke evil and insulted Moses, same still happening today
✔️ YOU will do them and yourself good if you can keep praying for Them, God can change them and things get better
EVEN outside MINISTRY; they are not your mate, they are old enough to be your father/grandfather
@ ENDTIME Non-denominational Evangelistic Movement
- Evangelist Emmanuel Ogheneochuko Adiohwo
Heavenly Key Evangelistic Movement (Uniting the Body of CHRIST and upholding the Faith of our Fathers)
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/heavenlykey