Who is really the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit by Evangelist Emmanuel Ogheneochuko Adiohwo
September 18, 2021Prayer of Favour for you this week
September 20, 2021Jesus Christ our perfect example is not a religious, church/denomination person, so God helping me, I Evangelist Emmanuel Ogheneochuko Adiohwo pray to always Cherish, Support and Partner with all genuine Ministers/Ministry truly doing the work/will of God, I belong to no particular church but I belong to all churches truly doing the work/will of God and preparing men for Heaven; for this purpose came I forth
As a Christian that truly love the Lord, you need to keep praying for All Churches & for all Ministers of the Gospel in Nigeria, Africa and across the globe, the body of Christ have suffered so much of disunity and crisis, if you can stand in the gap to keep praying for ALL; the Lord shall continue to closed down fake churches, expose, disgrace and silent fake ministers
The unfinished work of Jesus Christ (Work of GOD) is too big for few men/women of God or Churches to do, no matter how anointed a Minister is, He/She can’t do the work alone or know ALL about GOD, Preach the dimension of God revealed to you and let others preach theirs also and let keep complementing each Others as far we are pointing Men to Jesus and preparing them for Heaven, stop criticizing others and start praying for God to help them to correct their mistakes and to do the work well @ But ocultic/business people in the Ministry we MUST rebuke but we need the spirit of discernment to be able to know them and also by their fruits, activities and practices we shall know them
If you are not a Minister stop criticizing Ministers and even if you ARE, learn to protect your fellow Ministers before the world and do your correction within the family; let not expose ourselves to the world, Most flying about, so called Revelation of Heaven & Hell attacking Ministers & Churches are from the devil and not from GOD, many spirit keep deceiving and giving false revelation to them and they will say God said, ask them which God? BEWARE OF THEM
Most Ministers of God you see are genuinely called into the ministry but the devil caused them to backslide and now teaching errors, Pray for their restoration Now! these are totally different from Ocultic/Business people that came in, to destroy the work
Rebuke & Reject wrong teachings, activities and practices of anyone Who called Him/Her self Minister of the Gospel but love and pray for them Inperson cuz God is not willing that anyone should perish
Let PRAY for all Ministers in Nigeria, Africa and across the Globe, not easy to get to the top and Lead other people
👉🏿 PRAY for God to help all Ministers, Empower them, Provide for them, Help Backsliding ones to be restored, Help their weakness, Help them to do His will, Preach God’s mind and For them to end well
👉🏿 Pray for Love & Unity among Ministers & in the body of Christ and for GOD to expose and disgrace all ocultic/business people acting as true Ministers/Ministry
👉🏿 PRAY for Genuine Repentance, Holiness, Revival, Power demostration, Wealth, Knowledge, progress and growth of all Ministers & for the body of Christ
👉🏿 God to expose, disgrace and closed down all fake churches and silent the fake MINISTERS
- Evangelist Emmanuel Ogheneochuko Adiohwo
Endtime Non-denominational Evangelistic Movement
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